Project Altered Beast Isotoner

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Description 'Foretown', situated in the mountainous region of north California, was shrouded with a mysterious fog and contact with the town was lost. Although the government has set up an emergency taskforce, 3 weeks passed without any progress. High-ranking officials in the government and the military, who knew of the research on beastifying soldiers in the town, thus sent 'Luke Custer', who was from a military research facility, to investigate. But he was attacked midway and his memory was lost美しいグラフィックとそれだけには収まらない独特な世界観を背景に、個性的かつ魅力的な獣人の力を駆使し、迫り来るモンスターを本能のままに叩きのめす、まさに 「バイオレンス・アクション」 !他のアクションゲームとは一線を画す、その圧倒的な 「爽快感」 と 「バイオレンス」 が楽しめます。.

Project Altered Beast All Beasts


Project Altered Beast (PS2) Transformation Cut Scene - U.W.H.