Iscii Devanagari Font Unicode

FAQ - Indic Scripts and Languages Indic Scripts and Languages.Q: What is ISCII?A: Indian Standard Code for Information Interchange (ISCII)is the character code for Indian languages that originate from Brahmiscript. ISCII was evolved by a standardization committee under theDepartment of Electronics during 1986-88, and adopted by the Bureau ofIndian Standards (BIS) in 1991. Unlike Unicode, ISCII is an 8-bit encodingthat uses escape sequences to announce the particular Indic scriptrepresented by a following coded character sequence. The ISCII document isIS, available from the BIS offices.The ISCII Standard can be found on the web, for example at.Q: How does Unicode differ from ISCII?A: Except for a few minor differences, theycorrespond directly.
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Unicode is designed to be a multilingualencoding that requires no escape sequences or switching between scripts.For any given Indic script, the consonant and vowel letter codes ofUnicode are based on ISCII. ISCII allowed control over character formationby combining letters with the characters NUKTA, INV, and HALANT.
Unicodeprovides similar control with the ZWJ and ZWNJ characters.The prototypical example is the 'explicit halant':ISCII:Halant + HalantUnicode:Halant + ZWNJThe 'soft halant' of ISCII is expressed:ISCII:Halant + NuktaUnicode:Halant + ZWJThe 'explicit halant' is discussed in the ISCII standard,section 6.3.1 and 'soft halant' is discussed in 6.3.2.There are several categories of such differences. See alsoChapter 12, in The Unicode Standard for details. Unicode alsoincludes the right side 'pieces' of some two-part vowel signs forcompatibility with some software. For more on vowel pieces, see.The ISCII Attribute code (ATR) is not represented in theUnicode Standard, which is a plain text standard. The ISCII Attribute codeis intended to explicitly define a font attribute applicable to followingcharacters, and thus represents an embedded control for the kinds of fontand style information which is not carried in a plain text encoding.The ISCII Extension code (EXT) is also not representeddirectly in the Unicode Standard.
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The Extension code is an escapemechanism, allowing the 8-bit ISCII standard to define an extendedrepertoire via an escaped reencoding of certain byte values. Such amechanism is not required in the Unicode Standard, which simply usesadditional code points to encode any additional character repertoire.Q: Unicode doesn't have an 'invisibleletter' (INV) like ISCII. How can I form the combinations that use INV inISCII?A: There are four uses of nukta in ISCII. Unicode only usesthe first two. Unicode doesn't use nukta for soft halant and doesn't useit for code extension. Unicode does use nukta to represent the nuktadiacritic either in cases such as 'ka' U+0958 orcases like 'nnna' U+0929.