Automotive Repair Invoicing Program

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  1. Auto Repair Invoicing Program

Price = $369.00 one time fee,Comments:Repair Manager incorporates the best practices and latest technologies through asystematic update and revision program.Several states have laws regarding auto repair shops that require us to providespecial repair order formats. Florida is one of those states. California isanother. There are also special requirements for the city of Chicago.


Auto Repair Invoicing Program

We providefree support for all these state law issues.We have customers using this product on small and medium size networks as wellas single one station computers.Our product is used by auto repair shops in many English speaking countriesaround the world.Many new customers tell us they choose Repair Manager after working with manyautomotive software programs because our product was the simplest, easiest, andfastest to learn.Our program has a powerful accounts receivable feature that will printstatements and keep track of the daily activity in receivables. It will tell youhow much was charged on account and paid on account for any given date or rangeof dates.In the auto repair business, inventory control is a time consuming task and mostrepair shop managers don't have the time to do it. For this reason RepairManager makes re-ordering parts, you wish to stock, easy by printing a usageanalysis that list how many of each part has been sold within any given daterange. This way, you simply re-order what you used and keep your inventory stockup to date with no effort.Customer followup is especially easy because we provide a system for schedulingand sending thank you notes, oil change reminders, etc.Repair Manager calculates your profitability at every level.

You can evaluateprofit at the invoice level, daily sales level, monthly sales level, and even theyearly sales level.Paying sales tax is easy. We provide all the information you need to get the jobdone.