Aptra Advance Ndc Reference Manual

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If you want to understand the protocol, you don't necessarily want a parser. Even if you had one, you want to parse what, exactly? Just the content of a message? What makes a protocol interesting is the sets of different messages that can be exchanged in different contexts; how do you expect a parser to give you that?

Ndc Reference Manual

If you had such a parser, how would it help you, uh, grok, the protocol? Ideally you want a reference manual. If this is a proprietary protocol, why would you expect to be able to find a source code parser for it, or the corresponding documentation?–Jun 17 '15 at 4:46.

The NCR NDC+ messaging format (which is typically over the TCP/IP protocol but can also be over async or bisync) used with ATMs is actually pretty straight forward with a limited number of message types and one can generally eyeball it to and tell what is going on once you have been looking at it long enough.The full specification, though proprietary, can be readily found on the internet that includes most NDC message types and statuses for current devices.

Aptra advance ndc reference manual pdf

Aptra Advance Ndc Reference Manual 2017

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