Kad Porastem Bicu Kengur Film
OpisDomaci film 'Kad porastem bicu kengur' iz 2004 godine, prica je o mladim ljudima koji su na pragu prelaska u tridesete godine a da pri tome jos nista nisu uradili sa svojim zivotom. To je prica o neostvarenm likovima, blejacima iz kraja, kojima je odrastanje nekako zakasnilo i koji su ostali zarobljeni u nekim klinackim akcijama i zivotima. Film preplice i prati 3 zasebne price koje se odigravaju na Vozdovcu. Iako mozda opis nije zvucao tako, ovo je sve jedno zabavan i komican film koji govori o nekom nama bliskom beznadju kroz koji danas prolaze mnogi mladi ljudi u Srbiji.Glavne uloge: Sergej Trifunovic, Marija Karan, Nebojsa Glogovac Tagovi.
The E-mail message field is required. Please enter the message. E-mail Message: I thought you might be interested in this item atKad porastem biću kengurAuthor: Radivoje Andrić; Milko Josifov; Zoran Cvijanović; Sergej Trifunović; Marija Karan; Boris Milivojević; Nikola Vujović; Gordan Kičić; Nebojša Glogovac; Nikola Djuričko; Yodi Movie Craftsman (Firm)Publisher: Serbia: Yodi Movie Craftsman, 2004. ©2004ISBN/ISSN: 075OCLC:184991623. The film consists of three related stories that take place in Vozdovac, a Belgrade suburb. In the first story, a young man tries to get a Belgrade model's attention.
Although they both try to find things in common, it is obvious that they have very different personalities and backgrounds. In the second, two friends make a bet that London soccer team Eastwich will be victorious over Manchester United. In the last story, two bored young men spend their days on the roof of their apartment building. One of them witnesses a strange event while staring up at the sky. Read more.Rating:(not yet rated)Subjects.More like this. The film consists of three related stories that take place in Vozdovac, a Belgrade suburb. In the first story, a young man tries to get a Belgrade model's attention.
Kad Porastem Bicu Kengur Film Hd
Although they both try to find things in common, it is obvious that they have very different personalities and backgrounds. In the second, two friends make a bet that London soccer team Eastwich will be victorious over Manchester United.
Kad Porastem Bicu Kengur Film Online
In the last story, two bored young men spend their days on the roof of their apartment building. One of them witnesses a strange event while staring up at the sky.