Hospitality Management Strategy And Operations 2nd Edition

Limited research exists on the current strategic issues and the strategies utilized by hoteliers of Ontario, Canada. The researchers conducted a pilot study by utilizing an e‐mail survey, attempting to identify the current strategic issues and strategies implemented by Ontario hotels. The results showed that the most concerned issues by the Ontario hoteliers are: lacking financial and government support, changing customer needs, increasing power of customer purchasing through the internet and the top Internal environment concern is related to the human resources. The survey findings suggest the imperative requirement for awareness and focus of the changing environmental variables affecting the Ontario lodging industry.
Keywords.Citationand (2003), 'Strategic issues faced by Ontario hotels', Vol. 343-345.Publisher:MCB UP LtdCopyright © 2003, MCB UP Limited.
Catalogue Persistent IdentifierAPA CitationVan der Wagen, Lynn. & Goonetilleke, Anne. Hospitality management: strategy and operations. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W: Pearson Education Australia MLA CitationVan der Wagen, Lynn. and Goonetilleke, Anne. Hospitality management: strategy and operations / Lynn Van Der Wagen, Anne Goonetilleke Pearson Education Australia Frenchs Forest, N.S.W 2007 Australian/Harvard CitationVan der Wagen, Lynn. & Goonetilleke, Anne.
Director Of Operations And Strategy
2007, Hospitality management: strategy and operations / Lynn Van Der Wagen, Anne Goonetilleke Pearson Education Australia Frenchs Forest, N.S.W Wikipedia Citation. Hospitality management: strategy and operations / Lynn Van Der Wagen, Anne Goonetilleke Book Bib ID3988067FormatBook,AuthorEdition2nd ed.DescriptionFrenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Education Australia, 2007xiii, 568 p.: ill.; 25 cm.ISBN021SummaryHospitality management, including operational management; human resource management; customer service management; and financial management. The book also covers quality customer service, business relationships and legal compliance.NotesPrevious ed.: 2003.Includes index.Bibliography: p.
Hospitality Management Strategy And Operations 2nd Edition Free
558-562.Subjects Other authors/contributors.