Aiml Tools
1.1tp3(Slatter) Released2007.09.16 - RebeccaAIML 1.1tp3 (Slatter) Released.This is a bug fix version with improved internationalization support.See the for instructionson upgrading. The bug fixes are. Fixed a bug where escaped XML elements such as werenot operating correctly. This effected reversed aiml.
Enhanced empty conditionals where they will now correctlyallow you to use an empty string for a condition and it willreturn true if the predicate does not exist. Fixed a nasty bug where if you have multiple star's and multipleusers it would return an empty false positive string.For international support, it has been improved upon within thecore engine and with the various programming languages that RebeccaAIMLsupports. The fixes are.
Dialects will work with the eclipse plugin now. The fix was withinthe core engine, so you only need to update RebeccaAIML and you won'tneed to update your eclipse plugin. The command line rs-admin tool now supports recieving dialects aswell as correctly processing and outputing dialects. Lastly, upper casing, lower casing, and formal'izing dialects willwork correctly. 1.1tp2(Slatter) Released2007.09.03 - RebeccaAIML 1.1tp2 (Slatter) Released.Hot on the heels of the first tech preview, this tech preview brings3rd party upgrades and two bug fixes. See the forinstructions on upgrading.The 3rd party upgrades are. Xerces 2.8.0.
Berkeley DB 4.6.19. ICE 3.2.1The two bugs fixed are. Fixed a bug with the networking C api whereaddDirectoryUnlessAlreadyAdded was calling the wrongorder of arguments.
Fixed a bug where the directory containing theembedded database would not create its self if it wason version of Windows XP which was not English based. 1.1tp1(Slatter) Released2007.08.27 - RebeccaAIML 1.1tp1 (Slatter) Released.This is a tech preview release to the upcomming (Slatter) series.The Edmondson series has come to an end as well as some old mentalitiesabout AIML development as we know it.This first tech preview release is only available underneath Windows.However, I promise before the full release of 1.1, a Linux versionwill be available.Also, starting with this release RebeccaAIML will beavailable with a dual licensing scheme. If you are developingcommercial applications based off of RebeccaAIML you will needto purchase a commercial license. However, if you arereleasing your code underneath the GPL version 3 you canuse RebeccaAIML underneath that license.Now that is out of the way, what does this new version 1.1tp1offer everyone?Well, just check out the for 1.1tp1which describes each feature in great length with plenty of greatscreen shots. 0.9871 (Edmondson) Released2006.09.07 - RebeccaAIML 0.9871 (Edmondson) Released.I now include the executable, regression, in both the Windowsand Linux prebuilt packages. This is for downloaders to beable to verify the quality of Rebecca for the version theydownload.If you are not interested in the regression test suite thenyou do not have to worry about updating to this version.
Otherthan including the regression suite, this version is identical to0.987.I also added the regression test suite to the autoconf build systemwhere it builds it by default. This is for those who port RebeccaAIMLto another platform to be able to run regression tests to ensure thequality of the port. Use./configure -help to see all the autoconfoptions available.Updated the code for the regression testing. It now uses header andfooter html files in resources/testing instead of having the htmlhard coded.
Fixed the html page breaks. I also improved it to bedll boundary safe by having it useTag::instanceOfinstead of dynamically casting throughdynamiccastI also added an Arguments class to regression to enable a smoothtransition over to autoconf. 0.987 (Edmondson) Released2006.09.01 - RebeccaAIML 0.987 (Edmondson) Released.Condition and Li were not handling empty string casescorrectly. See the latestin the documentation for the exact case (It's SETUP ANDTEST CONDITION PREDICATE test case at the bottom).Li::getPredicateName and Li::getAimlPatternare now const methods.
Aim Tools Online
0.986 (Edmondson) Released2006.07.26 - RebeccaAIML 0.986 (Edmondson) ReleasedFixed bug withPlainWordImpl::trimToOneSpacewhere I was not checking if the size of a string was greaterthan zero before using it.Fixed a bug with srai where the star indexes were not beingcalculated right during srai.Fixed a bug where rebecca would not let go of her internalAIML file and string caching system.Upgraded the qtgui and tested it underneath QT 4.1.4Added the Callback methodCallbacks::learnTagFileNotFoundfor when the AIML XML learn tag cannot find a file it willcall this callback. This will allow the programmer to handlefile not founds for AIML XML programmatically.Added a new methodGraphBuilder::callSystemCommandwhich acts the same as calling the AIML XML tag 'System' by sending thecommand to the operating system and returning the output ofthe command.
0.985 (Edmondson) Released2006.05.07 - RebeccaAIML 0.985 (Edmondson) ReleasedAdded autoconf support for Unix'es and Linux. Nowyou can compile usingconfigure; make; make installSee the doc/linuxINSTALL.txt in the distribution forinformation on how to utilize this.Added an Arguments class to each sample. The purposeof this is two fold.
One is to show how you couldparse arguments when utilizing RebeccaAIML api and thesecond is to make the installers of the sampleseasier to write in the future.The Arguments class now gives a few switches with each sample.See the source code of each sample for the list of available switches.However, you can typeconsole.exe -helporconsoleAIMLHtmlConverter.exe -helpto get a list of the switches too.Tweaked the source files to work with gcc 4.1.0Added RPM support to the build. In the download section you should nowbe able to download RPM's for Rebecca for several flavors of Fedora Core. 0.984 (Edmondson) Released2006.04.10 - RebeccaAIML 0.984 (Edmondson) ReleasedFeature enhancement and bug fix release.Added the feature of being able to add AIML strings toRebecca on the fly through the methodGraphBuilder.addString('aiml string')You can add a whole category programatically as easily as:builder.addString('test aiml string'it simply works!' ');Added the learn tag per AIML 1.0.1 specification.Fixed the gender, person, and person2 tag implementationsto pass all of the regression tests.Fixed the addFile and addDirectory to be tolerant of addingfiles which are native to the file system. Before you couldat best portably use relative strings.
Now you can use justabout any file system string forGraphBuilder.addFileandGraphBuilder.addDirectoryAs a result of this I was able to simply part of the qtGUI core to usingwhichever native absolute paths that came from Windows or Unix.See the of these methodsfor more details. 0.983 (Edmondson) Released2006.04.04 - RebeccaAIML 0.983 (Edmondson) ReleasedBug fix release.I fixed a bug reported by Charles Chevallier wherewhen srai is called the input AIML tags behavedincorrectly. To fix this bug I had to alter the signatureofGraphBuilderFramework.checkedInfiniteLoopGetResponseIt now has a new boolean argument variable'keepPreviousUserInput'. 0.982 (Edmondson) Released2006.03.19 - RebeccaAIML 0.982 (Edmondson) ReleasedI fixed a bug under Linux for theGraphBuilder::addCustomTagLibrarymethod.
It would load the string given as when itshould have loaded it as also fixed a bug reported by Charles Chevallier whereRebecca was not erasing commas before storing strings intoher internal 'that' variable. I added a regression testcase for it so the bug will not reappear.I also fixed the 'System' AIML tag to be able to returnthe string now under both Windows and Linux. Now theregression test for the 'System' tag works! 0.981 (Edmondson) Released2006.03.04 - RebeccaAIML 0.981 (Edmondson) ReleasedAdded a new cross platform simple QT GUI to the samplessection to showcase how you would program a GUI withthe RebeccaAIML engine.
You should be able to seethe screen shot at the top of the web page now.Fixed a bug where when you call new and delete onAIMLFacade or StringPimpl it would crash under Windowsif you were mixing and matching Debug and Release. Now,new and delete are dll boundary safe.Forgot to put.98 in VERSION.98 for theGraphBuilderAIML::getVersionSo, all resulting programs built using.98 will reportthey are version.972 when they encounter the AIML XML Tag'version'.
Fixed that in this version, it will say.981 whenthe 'version' tag is encountered. 0.98 (Edmondson) Released2006.02.14 - RebeccaAIML 0.98 (Edmondson) ReleasedI opened up the RebeccaAIML framework in which you caninherit from AIML XML Tag classes to add or modify thecurrent working set. You will need Boost C libraryto use the framework. With the release of the frameworkyou can now add your own custom AIML XML Tag dll or sharedobject in which you can change the functionality of theengine. The framework is fully documented and I providea sample which overrides all the AIML XML Tags to providea html converter.
It converts AIML XML files into html pageswith links. The html pages provide a way to 'cruise'through the AIML brain and see how the brain would look likein memory.You can see a sample of how the converter works by firstlooking at this basic AIML fileand the resulting html files from the converter. 0.97 (Edmondson) Released2005.11.06 - RebeccaAIML 0.97 (Edmondson) ReleasedA new regression testing system has been put into place.The regression test suite is that of ProgramD's. However,in the future I will add more test cases which should workfor both the test regression suite here and for ProgramD's.How that is accomplished is through the use of xml to definethe test cases.
This is all from the work of Joel on ProgramD.From the regression testing, I have found bugs and made morefixes to this release. I also have found a few bugs which I willfix in an upcomming release.This release fixes yet another bug with the conditiontag. The condition tag before only accepted AIML tagsfor the result of a succesful condition.
Pinnacle studio 12 windows 7 64 bit. Now regular textcan be added as well to the condition tag as it should be. I alsofixed up white space problems with this release as well as madethe exceptions of FileNotFound and DirectoryNotFound more verbose.
RebeccaAIML 0.96 (Edmondson) Released2005.10.20 - RebeccaAIML 0.96 (Edmondson) ReleasedThis release fixes a bug in which the AIML tag 'Condition'did not work at all. Also this release fixes the AIML.xsd.Therefore, I have enabled Schema validation in this release.With schema validation enabled, bad AIML tags will be reportedto their respective callbacks and the XML parser automaticallyhandles not adding bad AIML to the graph builder. Thus yourcallbacks will alert you to bad AIML tags, and your graph buildershould still remain bullet proof.
See theformore details on XML callbacks through the class CallBacks.